System of Instruction and Evaluation

(Common to all the Diploma Courses in all the Foreign Languages offered by the School of Foreign Languages)

REGULATIONS FOR CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) AND CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT GRADING PATTERN (CAGP) for all the Diploma Courses in Foreign Lanuages offered by the School of Foreign Languages


1. Scheme of Instructions.

          All the courses are of 8 credits consisting of two Hard Core Papers of 4 credits each. One Paper is written and the other is oral (viva-voce). Each Paper consists of 75% theory/viva voce and 25% tutorial.

2. Continuous Assessment, Earning of Credits and Award of Grades

The evaluation of the learner shall be based on continuous assessment. The structure for evaluation is as follows:

2.1 Assessment and evaluation processes is a continuous process divided into 3 discrete components identified as C1, C2, and C3.

2.2 The performance of a candidate in a course will be assessed for a maximum of 100 marks as explained below.

2.2.1 The first component (C1), of assessment is for 15 marks. This will be based on test, assignment and seminar. During the first half of the semester, the first 50% of the syllabus will be completed. This shall be consolidated during the 8th week of the semester. Beyond 8th week, making changes in C1 is not permitted.

2.2.2 The second component (C2), of assessment is for 15 marks. This will be based on test, assignment, seminar. The continuous assessment and scores of second half of the semester will be consolidated during the 16th week of the semester. During the second half of the semester the remaining units in the course will be completed. The outline for continuous assessment activities for Component-I (C1) and Component-II (C2) will be proposed by the teacher(s) concerned before the commencement of the semester and will be discussed and decided in the respective Departmental Council. The students should be informed about the modalities well in advance. The evaluated courses/assignments during component I (C1) and component II (C2) of assessment are immediately returned to the candidates after obtaining acknowledgement in the register maintained by the concerned teacher for this purpose.

2.2.3 During the 18th - 20th week of the semester, a semester-end examination of 3 hours duration shall be conducted for each course. This forms the third/final component of assessment (C3) and the maximum marks for the final component will be 70.

2.3.      In case a candidate secures less than 30% in C1and C2 put together in a course, the candidate is said to have DROPPED that paper, and such a candidate is not allowed to appear for C3 in that paper.

In case a candidate’s class attendance in a paper is less than 75% or as stipulated by the University, the candidate is said to have DROPPED that paper, and such a candidate is not allowed to appear for C3 in that paper. Teachers offering the papers will place the above details in the Department Council meeting during the last week of the semester, before the commencement of C3, and subsequently a notification pertaining to the above will be brought out by the Chairman of the Department before the commencement of C3 examination. A copy of this notification shall also be sent to the office of the Registrar & Registrar (Evaluation).

2.4.      In case a candidate secures less than 30% in C3, he/she may choose MAKEUP option when the same paper offered subsequently.

 2.5.      For successful completion of a course a candidate is required to have minimum Final Grade Point of 5.

 2.5.      Grade and Grade Point Average

 The Grade and the Grade Point earned by the candidate in a paper will be as given below.

Note:   1. P is the percentage of marks (P=  (C1+C2+C3) secured by a candidate in a

    Paper  which is rounded to nearest integer.

2. V is the credit value of course.

3. G is the grade and

4. GP is the grade point.


2. 6.     CGPA

Overall Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of a candidate after successful completion the required number of credits (8) is given below

CGPA = ΣGP / Total number of credits

2. 7.     Final Grade Point (FGP) and  Classification of results

The final grade point (FGP) to be awarded to the student is based on CGPA secured by the candidate as given below:


Click Here to view/download Diploma in Chinese-A2 Syllabus

Click Here to view/download Diploma in Chinese-B2 Syllabus

Click Here to view/download Diploma in French-A2 Syllabus

Click Here to view/download Diploma in French-B2 Syllabus

Click Here to view/download Diploma in German-A2 Syllabus

Click Here to view/download Diploma in German-B2 Syllabus

Click Here to view/download Diploma in Russian–A2 Syllabus

Click Here to view/download Diploma in Russian–B2 Syllabus

Click Here to view/download Diploma in Spanish-A2 Syllabus

Click Here to view/download Diploma in Spanish-B2 Syllabus