Sanskrit Notification and Syllabus
Kannada Notification and Syllabus
Political Constitutional Notification and Syllabus
Women Studies Notification and Syllabus
Visual Arts 7th & 8th Sem Notification (UG)
Tamil Notification and Syllabus
Sociology Notification and Syllabus
Social Work Notification and Syllabus
Public Administration Notification and Syllabus
Political Science Notification and Syllabus
Philosophy Notification and Syllabus
Malayam Notification and Syllabus
Linguistics Notification and Syllabus
Journalism & Communication Notification and Syllabus
History Notification and Syllabus
Geography Notification and Syllabus
Gandhian Studies Notification and Syllabus
Foreign Languages Notification and Syllabus
Folklore Notification and Syllabus
Fine Arts Notification and Syllabus
English Notification and Syllabus
Economics & Co operation Notification and Syllabus
Christianity Notification and Syllabus
Babu Jagjivanram Studies Notification and Syllabus
Anthropology Notification and Syllabus
Ancient History & Archeology Notification and Syllabus