University of Mysore - AQAR

1.1.2 Number of programmes where syllabus revision was carried out during the year 1.2.2 Number of programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/elective course system has been implemented during the year

Sl.No. Programme Code Programme Name Year of Introduction Status of Implemetation of CBCS / Elective Course System (Yes/No) Year of Implemetation of CBCS / Elective Course System Year of Revision (if any) If Revision has been Carried out in the Syllabus During the Year, Percentage of Content Added or Replaced Link to the Relevant Document
1 MAABS13 MA in Ambedkar Studies 2000 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 20
2 MAJOU13 MA in Journalism and Mass Communication 1974 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 20
3 MAKAN13 MA in Kannada 1966 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 15
4 MASAN13 MA in Sanskrit 1965 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 20
5 MAURD13 MA in Urdu 1916 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 20
6 MARCH16 Master of Architecture 2002 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 45
7 MED15 Master of Education 1960 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 20
8 LLM13 Master of Law and Legislature 1972 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 30
9 MSW13 Master of Social Work 1990 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 40
10 MSAPG16 MSc in Applied Geology 1992 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 40
11 MSBOT13 MSc in Botany 1965 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 20
12 MSCS17 MSc in Computer Science 1986 Yes 2017-18 2020-21 60
13 MSENV13 MSc in Environmental Science 1992 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 20
14 MSGEN17 MSc in Genetics and Geonomics 2015 Yes 2017-18 2020-21 20
15 MSGEL16 MSc in Geology 1961 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 30
16 MSHUM13 MSc in Human Development 1993 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 20
17 MSMAT17 MSc in Mathematics 1960 Yes 2017-18 2020-21 35
18 MSMIC13 MSc in Microbiology 2008 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 15
19 MSPOL13 MSc in Polymer Science 1993 Yes 2010-11 2020-21 20
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