
Dr. T.S. Devaraja
Email Iddevaraj.uni.mysore@gmail.com, devaraj@commerce.uni-mysore.ac.in
Phone NoPh: +91 8172- 240578, Mob:98807-61877
QualificationM.Com: Master of Commerce

Ph.D: Doctor of Philosophy in Commerce, University of Mysore (1995-2000)
Post Doctoral Research Fellow: Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Marketing and Management, Budapest, Hungary, (2009-2010)
DAAD Fellow: UGC-DAAD-PPP 2013-15- University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Visiting Research Fellow: University of Presov, Faculty of Management, Presov, SLOVAKIA,(2009-2010)

Area of Specialization

International business, International Marketing, Clean Development Mechanism, Accounting and Auditing, Carbon Credit Marketing, Foreign Exchange Management, and National Climate Policy of India

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