University Industry Interaction Centre was set up by the University of Mysore on 5.8.1995 vide Proceedings of the Ordinary Meeting of the Syndicate held on 5.8.1995 (Annexure 1 : Extract of Syndicate Meeting held on 5.8.1995). The Honourable Vice-chancellor had convened a meeting on 29.8.2018 and resolved to formulate an Advisory Committee and the guidelines to operate the Centre (Annexure 2: Proceedings of the meeting of the University Industry Interaction Centre held on 29.8.2018). To further strengthen the functioning of the University Industry Interaction Centre the following subject is placed before the Syndicate for approval:
1. Vision: The vision of the University Industry Interaction Centre is to partner with industry to achieve excellence in higher education and to enhance competitiveness of Indian Industry.
2. Mission: The mission of the University Industry Interaction Centre is to act as a catalyst for providing interaction opportunities for academicians and industrialists to achieve the vision.
3. Objectives: The objectives of University Industry Interaction Centre are:
a.To interact with industry and their associations such as CII, FICCI, NASSCOM etc and any external agency for promoting collaborative research and consultancy work and enhance competitiveness of Indian industry.
b.To organise seminars, conferences, workshops, training programmes in collaboration with industry.
c.To engage with industry for accessing industry trends and insights and to join policy advocacy initiatives.
d.To involve with industry in their Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and activities.
4. Organisation Structure : The organisation structure of the University Industry Interaction Centre shall consist of Director and an Advisory Committee. A Professor shall be appointed as a Director of University Industry Interaction Centre by the Vice Chancellor.
5. Advisory Committee: There shall be an advisory committee constituted by the university for University Industry Interaction Centre. The Advisory Committee shall consist of the following members:
(i) The Vice-Chancellor
(ii) The Registrar
(iii) Two Syndicate members nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
(vi) One member nominated by Confederation of Indian Industry, Mysuru.
(v) One member nominated by Mysore Chamber of Commerce, Mysuru.
(vi) The Director, University Industry Interaction Centre.
The Vice-Chancellor shall be the chairman of the Advisory Committee. The Director, University Industry Interaction Centre shall be the member secretary. The advisory committee shall meet at least once in six months. The duration of the membership of the advisory committee shall be three years. The functions of the advisory committee shall consists of:
(a) To create networking opportunities for university faculty, research scholars and students with industry.
(b) To approve research, consultancy, training and development proposals in collaboration with industry.
(c) To approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between university and industry or other external agency for research and consultancy.
(d) To approve organisational budget of University Industry Interaction Centre.
(e) To advice the University Industry Interaction Centre in all matters.
6. Corpus Fund : A ‘Corpus Fund’ shall be established in the name of University Industry Interaction Centre. The said Corpus Fund shall be kept in the ‘Endowment Account 54007591299” of the University of Mysore. 80% of the interest accrued to the Corpus Fund during the financial year shall be used by the Director, University Industry Interaction Centre for conducting centre activities and the remaining 20% of the interest accrued and unutilised amount shall be added to the Corpus Fund.
Amount received form any of following shall form part of the Corpus Fund:
a) Any grant received by the Central or State Government and their funding agencies.
b) Any contribution, donation or endowments received from private individuals or institutions.
c) Any contributions from industries and their associations.
d) Any contribution from foreign governments or international institutions.
e) Revenue generated by the faculty through research projects, consultancy works, seminars, conferences, workshops or training programmes.
f) Revenue generated from sale proceeds of research publications and research outcomes.
g) Revenue generated from royalties form patents, copy rights etc.
University Industry Interaction Centre has generated revenue amounting to of Rs. 14,39.974=00 by successfully completing several research projects and consultancy work in collaboration with the industries. This amount is kept as ‘’Corpus Fund’’ in the University’s Endowment Account No.54007591299 by closing the Joint Savings Bank Account No.54007592431 maintained in the name of Finance Officer and the Director, University Industry Interaction Centre vide University Order No.DV 7/ 559/1992-93, Dated 21-03-20 and revised University Order No.DV 7/ 559/1992-93, Dated 21-03-20 and DV7/559/1992-93, Dated 4-7-2020.
7. Centre Activities: The University Industry Interaction Centre shall conduct activities to achieve its vision and mission as well as objectives formulated in para one , two and three above by utilising the budgeted amount earmarked for the University Industry Interaction Centre by the university every year and 80% of the interest accrued to the “Corpus Fund” created under para six above.
8. Revenue Sharing with Faculty : Revenue shall be generated by the Faculty through research projects, consultancy works, seminars, conferences, workshops or training programmes shall be shared between the university and the faculty in the following formula:
a) Revenue Sharing for Research Projects: Any revenue generated by the faculty through research projects shall be shared between University and Faculty in the ratio of 25% and 75% respectively. All expenditures for completing the research project shall be met out of faculty’s share in the revenue.
b) Revenue Sharing for Consultancy Work: Any revenue generated by the faculty by offering consultancy work shall be shared between University and Faculty in the ratio of 50% and 50% respectively. All expenditures for completing the consultancy work shall be met out of faculty’s share in the revenue.
c) Revenue Sharing for conducting Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Training Programmes: Any revenue generated by the faculty by conducting Seminars, Conferences, Workshops or Training Programmes shall be shared between University and Faculty in the ratio of 25% and 75% respectively. All expenditures for conducting Seminars, Conferences, Workshops or Training Programmes shall be met out of faculty’s share in the revenue.
University’s share of revenue from research projects, consultancy work, conducting seminars, conferences, workshops and training programmes shall be deposited to the university’s Endowment Account – 54007591299 and shall be added to the “Corpus Fund of University Industry Interaction Centre”.
9. Revenue from slae proceeds of research publications and research outcomes: Revenue shall be generated from the sale proceeds of research publications and research outcomes such as simulation, modelling, optimisation, design of systems, components or processes, development of systems software , business development plans, testing of industrial products, samples, validation of designs and drawings, research models, experimental designs etc. Revenue from slae proceeds of research publications and research outcomes shall be deposited to the university Endowment Account – 54007591299 and shall be added to “Corpus Fund of University Industry Interaction Centre”.
10. Membership: University Industry Interaction Centre shall seek the institutional membership of Confederation of Indian Industry, NASSCOM etc to achieve its mission. Membership helps university faculty, research scholars and students to collaborate for innovation, engage with start-ups, enable skill development, engage in policy advocacy, provide opportunities to network, build and share best practices etc.
Click here to view NASSCOM membership certificate
Click here to view Revenue Generated by Universtiy Industry Interaction Centre
Advisory Committee of UIIC :
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Director :