University of Mysore - AQAR

1.3.3 Total number of students enrolled in the courses under 1.3.2 above

Sl.No. Name of the Value Added Courses (with 30 or more contact hours) Offered Course Code (if any) Year of Offering No. of Times Offered During the Same Year Duration of Course Number of Students Enrolled in the Year Number of Students Completing the Course in the Year Link to the Relevant Document
1 Advanced Excel Class (Batch 01)   2020-21 1 10-11-2020 to 11-12-2020 30 30
2 Advanced Excel Class (Batch 02)   2020-21 1 27-01-2021 to 10-03-2021 49 49
3 Karate Class   2020-21 1 23-03-2021 to 22-04-2021 25 24
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