The subject Biology has diversified extensively due to advances made in understanding the function of a cell. Subjects like Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Bioscience, Pathology helps in understanding the function of a cell with minimum emphasis on the structure and function of chromosomes. Since the elucidation of structure of DNA in early 1950s, experimental breakthroughs are made in the understanding of structure and functions of chromosome and its role in regulation of cell cycle. Based on the vast information available, the academic council of the University of Mysore decided to offer a post-graduation degree in the subject of Molecular Biology and identified Department of Studies in Biochemistry to initiate this programme.


Molecular Biology is a unique multi-disciplinary post-graduation degree programme offered by the University of Mysore in its Manasagangotri campus. The new department has emerged in 2015 with an objective to train the students and to develop the skill to build their career in research, academics, and industries in the field of life sciences. The curriculum of M.Sc in Molecular Biology is formulated by well-known academicians and renowned scientists of the country. The course is designed in such a way that, the graduated students will be able to take up various academic and research assignments including drug discovery programme in cancer, envenomation, inflammation, thrombocytopenia, sepsis, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular diseases, bacterial diseases, plant diseases etc. Currently, the course is more inclined towards research and development suitable to pursue Ph.D programme and to work in R & D departments related to all fields of Biological Sciences. However, teaching is limited to very few universities. In four semesters, students are given exposure to theoretical knowledge of biophysical techniques, biomolecules and their metabolism, bioenergetics, cellular signalling mechanisms, immunology, basics of microbiology, fundamentals and regulation of gene expression and concepts of genetic engineering including gene cloning methods, DNA recombinant technology, genome sequencing methods profiling of gene expression and genetically modified organisms. The students are assigned
with a project work of four months in the last semester to give the glimpse of the research work and prepare them to work in various universities, research institutes, industries and hospitals.


Best Practices
 Our M.Sc., programme is up to date
 Our course is designed for teaching, research and industry
 We give special individual attention to our students
 We provide free and open atmosphere
 Our evaluation is fair and impartial
 We encourage students in taking up competitive exam
 We follow the democratic principles even in preparing the exam time table


The department is located at Manasagangotri postgraduate campus of the university. Click on the image below for a detailed map of the campus and the city.

To get the directions to the department scan the following QR code