1. Journal - Editors/editorial committee:
Prof. N. S. Raju – Research Journal Biotechnology and Environment.
Prof. G. V. Venkataramana – Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Biology.
Prof. S. Srikantaswamy - Asian Journal of Environmental Science and Editorial Member, Everyman Science, Indian Science Congress, Department of Science and Technology, India.
2. Visits abroad:
Prof. N. S. Raju – Presented paper International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Science and Technology (ICIAST), Pattaya Thailand (2017).
Prof. G. V. Venkataramana - Post Doc, School of Forestry and Environmental studies, University of Yale, New Haven, Connecticut State, USA, (2016-17).
Prof. S. Srikantaswamy –
Ø 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2019), Singapore.
Ø Chief Superintend of Examinations, Out-reach Programme in Sri lanka (2014) and Dubai (2016).
3. Members of distinguished bodies (professional bodies) / Committees (State/National)
Prof. N. S. Raju –
Ø National Environmental Science Academy (NESA)
Ø Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
Ø International Society of Biotechnology (ISB)
Ø Society of Mycology and Plant pathology
Prof. G. V. Venkataramana -
Ø Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
Ø National Environmental Science Academy (NESA)
Ø Member of Biological Society (MBS)
Prof. S. Srikantaswamy –
Ø Council Member, Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA).
Ø Indian Carbon Society (ICS)
Ø Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
4. Awards- State/ National/ Int’l :
Prof. N. S. Raju –
Ø Ø DST, Fast Track Young Scientist Award.
Ø DST Travel Grant Award for the International meeting to attend International conference.
Prof. G. V. Venkataramana
Ø SIR CV RAMAN Fellow for Post-Doctoral Research in USA for the year 2016-17 to be awarded by University Grants Commission, India.
Ø DST, Fast Track Young Scientist Award.
Ø SERC, Senior Scientist award by Department of Science and Technology.
Prof. S. Srikantaswamy –
Ø Prof. W. D. West Memorial Award, (National Award) by the Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, on the occasion of 106th ISCA, Held in Jalandhar, Punjab, India (2019).
Ø Kannada Rajyostava Award, Mandya District Kannada Parishath (2020).
5. Nomination in committees- State/ National level:
Prof. S. Srikantaswamy –
Ø Council Member, Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA).
6. Advisory/ Organizing committee member- International conferences (by invitation):
Prof. G. V. Venkataramana –
Ø Member in Yale Urban Ecology, Urban Resource Initiative and Tree Identification Program, Yale University, New Haven Connecticut state, USA.
Ø Member in Yale Sustainable Food Program, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Prof. S. Srikantaswamy –
Ø Sectional President, Materials Science Section, 107th Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Held in GKVK campus, Bengaluru.
Ø Chaired, A-18, SYMPOSIUM AT 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2019) Singapore.
7. Fellowship – Academic bodies:
Prof. N. S. Raju –
Ø Fellow of International Society of Biotechnology (FISBT).
Ø Fellow of International Society of Chemistry and Environment (FISCE).
Prof. G. V. Venkataramana –
Ø Fellow of International Society of Exposure Science (ISES).
Ø Felloe of Integrating Exposure Science across Diverse Communities (IESADC).
Ø Fellow of Zoological Society and Pollution Research (ZSPRI).
Prof. S. Srikantaswamy –
Ø Fellow of Carbon Society of India
Ø Fellow of Mineralogical Society of India.
Ø Fellow of Hind Society, (Asian Journal of Environmental Science).