5.1.2 Total number of students benefited by career counselling and guidance for competitive examinations offered by the Institution during the year
Sl. No.
| Year
| Name of the Activity Conducted by the HEI to Offer Guidance for Competitive Examinations Offered by the Institution During the Year
| None
| Name of the Activity Conducted by the HEI to Offer Guidance for Career Counselling Offered by the Institution During the Year
| None
| Number of Students Placed Through Campus Placement
| Link to the Relevant Document
| 2020-21
| Special Training for IAS and KAS Competitive Examination Aspirants
| 460
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| 2020-21
| Workshop on Police Sub-Inspector Post Aspirants
| 150
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
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