University of Mysore - AQAR

4.2.3 Annual expenditure for purchase of books/ e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals during the year (INR in Lakhs)

Sl.No. Library Resources If Yes, Details of Memberships/ Subscriptions Expenditure on Subscription to e-journals, e-books (INR in Lakhs) Expenditure on Subscription to other e-resources (INR in Lakhs) Total Library Expenditure Link to the Relevant Document
1 Books 1675 NA NA 1014797
2 Journals 128 NA NA 480643
3 e-journals ESS 7026( consortia) NA NA NA
4 e-books NA NA NA NA  
5 e-ShodhSindhu Through ESS Consortia NA NA NA  
6 Shodhganga Through UGC Inflibnet NA NA NA
7 Databases Indiastat 58037 NA 397877
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