University of Mysore - AQAR

3.1.5 - Institution has the following facilities to support research • Central Instrumentation Centre • Animal House/Green House • Museum • Media Laboratory/Studios • Business Lab • Research / Statistical Databases • Moot court • Theatre • Art Gallery Options: A. Any 4 or more of the above B. Any 3 of the above C. Any 2 of the above D. Any 1 of the above E. None of the above

Sl.No. Name of the Facility Year of Establishment Provide Link of Videos / Pictures
1 Repository of Manuscripts 1954
2 Green House 1960
3 Botany Museum 1960
4 Geology Museum 1960
5 Animal House 1965
6 Zoology Museum 1965
7 Folklore Museum 1966
8 Drosophila National Stock Center 1990
9 Electronic Media Studio 1990
10 EMRC Media Laboratory 1996
11 Business Lab 2003
12 Central Instrumentation Facility 2009
13 Web OPAC 2010
14 Institutional Repository 2012
15 MLRCC Media Laboratory 2012
16 Language Lab 2013
17 Radio Manasa 2021
Site design by Sridhar M. A.