University of Mysore - AQAR

4.2.2Library Services

Part - A

Library Service Type Existing None Newly Added None Total None Link to the Relevant Document
Text Books 988432   953 1148702 989385  
Reference Books 18769   264 89240 19033  
e-Books 26434   3029 6994648 29463  
Journals 108498   113 461185 108611  
e-Journals 7026 (Consortia)   NA NA 7026  
Digital Database 5+5 (5 Consortia)   4 373419 4  
CD and Video 5497   NA NA 5497  
Library Automation Yes       Yes  

Part - B

Library resources Details of memberships/ subscriptions Expenditure on subscription to e-journals, e-books (INR in lakhs) Expenditure on subscription to other e-resources (INR in lakhs) Total Library Expenditure (in INR) Link to the Relevant Document
Books 1217 NA NA 1237942
e-books 3029 6994648 NA 6994648
Journals 113 NA NA 461185
e – journals ESS- 7026 Jourrnals NA NA NA
e-ShodhSindhu Through ESS Consortia NA NA NA
Shodhganga Through UGC Inflibnet NA NA NA
Databases Indiastat 57179 NA 373419
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