- National Seminar on Corporate Philanthropy and Social Development in India-2002
- Inter-Disciplinary Seminar on Globalization & People - 2002
- Exhibition
and Discussion on War and Humanity - 2003
- National Seminar on Legal Environment for Third Sector -
- Colloquium on State and Governance- 2005
- Seminar
on Self Help Initiatives- 2005
- Seminar on “Global Peace and Civic Action” 2006
- 8th ICA-AP Research Conference, 29-30 December, 2013 (TSRRC in collaboration with Department of Studies in Economics and Co-operation)
- International Peace Conference, 6-8 August, 2014 (TSRRC in Collaboration with SBRR Mahajana Collegge, Mysore)
- International Seminar on Self Help Initiatives, Microcredit and Sustainable Development, 2-3 February, 2015 (TSRRC in Collaboration with SBRR Mahajana College, Mysore
National Seminar on
Corporate Philanthropy and Social Development in India-2002
A National Seminar on "Corporate
Philanthropy and Social Development in
" was held at justice
K.S. Hegde Institute of Management (JKSHIM), Nitte on 16-17 March 2002. The seminar was designed to
bring together researchers, corporate executives, officials of the
governmental and nongovernmental organisations for
meaningful interactions on different dimensions of corporate Philanthropy and
social development in
The Seminar was delivered by dr. Pragya Ram of A.V. Birla Foundation. The seminar had 4 technical
sessions in addition to inaugural and valedictory sessions. 35 delegates
drawn from industry, academia, state and NGOs along with 55 student delegates
participated in the seminar. For details contact through email ID of
Dr. Moodithaya ( )
Inter-Disciplinary Seminar on Globalisation and People - 2002
"Interdisciplinary seminar on
Globalization and People", was the first seminar of its kind with
interdisciplinary approach held at the Post Graduate Centre Hemagangothri, Hassan, in
collaboration with Project on Non Profit sector. All the departments
addressed the theme of the seminar in relation to their respective
disciplines like "Globalisation and
Investment"," Globalization and Technology", "Are we on a
Suicidal Path with Multinational Companies?", "Globalization and
Biodiversity", and Globalization and Culture". Over one hundred
students and teachers of the postgraduate center participated in the seminar.
Exhibition and Discussion on War and Humanity - 2003
Three Exhibitions and Discussion programs on
War, Humanity and Civil Society were held at Hassan,
and Mandya (University campus) respectively. These programmmes included an exhibition of photo panels
devastation. The lecture and
discussion session primarily focused on impressing upon the public in general
and students in particular about the role of civil society in creating a
violence free, humane society. The discussions involving the public and
students on the theme has generated a huge opinion bank on the issues of
violence and role of civil society and citizenship.
National Seminar on
Legal Environment for Third Sector in India-2003
A two-day National Seminar on Legal Environment for Third Sector
was held at the
, under the Project on Non
Profit Sector, on 20th and 21st April 2003. Prof. Mark
Lyons of
inaugurated the seminar and delivered the keynote address. He drew
extensively from the Australian example and looked at the common features of
legal set-up affecting TSOs in
. He observed that even
though there is interest in both the countries to streamline the legal
environment, the efforts have been ad-hoc and piecemeal type, which may not
be of help in the long run.
The seminar then addressed major legislations affecting the
working of TSOs in
. These legislations are
generally classified as Primary – those related to incorporation and
day-to-day operation and Secondary-those playing a supporting role. The
primary legislations covered included the Public Trust Act (Dr. Noshir Dadrawala of Center for
Advancement of Philanthropy, Mumbai), The Indian Societies Act (Dr. Gurudutt, Principal, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysore), The State Cooperative Acts and the Multi-State
Cooperative Act (Dr. Sunny of University of Kerala and Dr. Niranjan Raj Urs of Institute of Cooperative Management, Thiruvananthapuraum), The Trade Union Act (Dr. Aithal of Karnataka University, Dharwad),
The Companies Act (Dr. Pillai of National Law
School India University, Bangalore), and The Religious Endowment and Wakf Acts (Dr. Ishwara Bhat of University of Mysore). The secondary legislations
covered were the Income Tax Act and Sales Tax Act (Dr. G.T.Govindappa of Kuvempu University, Shimoga),
The Foreign Contributions Regulations Act (Mr. M.K. Bhat,
Development Support Initiative, Bangalore and Dr. Reddy, Principal, Law
College, Davanagere) and the Environmental Laws
(Dr. Sairam Bhat of
CEERA-National Law School India University, Bangalore). These invited papers
presented in five technical sessions of two hours each, primarily focused on
the major provisions of the legislations, the space they create for the TSOs to operate and the need for changes in the
legislative framework.
Fifty participants attended the seminar who were representing
both research and activists groups, from five southern states (Goa, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh) of
. The discussion was
centered around the implication of legislations on the governance of TSOs, the strengths and limitations of individual
legislations, the overlapping and duplication in the legislative framework
and the possibility of evolving a common legislative framework for all types
of TSOs.
Colloquium on State and
Governance- 2005
A day’s
colloquium on State and Governance was organized in collaboration with the
department of Post Graduate Studies in Political Science. The colloquium
addressed the theoretical dimensions of governance discourse in general and
with reference to the state in particular. The panelists brought out the role
that state is expected to play and the gaps there in and how the TS becomes
an important player in this context and hence the governance issues relating
to TS gains greater importance.
Seminar on Self Help Initiatives -
on “Self Help Initiatives: Experiences from
” was jointly organized with Shastri Applied Research Project on 25th December 2005. The
participants, especially those representing NGOs and SHGs were very keen to know more about the findings of the study on mapping
governance practices of TSOs in
. About 50 delegates, most of whom
represented SHG federations, NGOs and Banks along with researchers from
within Karnataka participated in this seminar.
Seminar on Global Peace and Civic Action - 2006
A Two day Exhibition cum Seminar on “Global Peace and
Civic Action” was organized for the college students in collaboration with
. The seminar
had six member team from Japan Headed by Prof. Tanaka University of Tokyo
with students from
interacted with local students. The discussions from the students and youth
underpinned the fact that the civic action in peace is emerging as most
important factor in peaceful existence. This seminar pawed way for formation
of peace committee of students.